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Involving families in their children's early education is vital for brain and literacy development.  Parents who interact regularly with their children and who believe their children are interested in talking and reading, are more likely to provide at-home vocabulary-building and print-rich learning experiences.  


Nurturing parents and family members not only shape development during the initial years of life, but also during adolescence and young adulthood.  


Positive parental and family influences need to be in place long before children enter elementary school in order for them to be successful. ELM assists preschool teachers to establish this critical school/home learning connection by providing families with take-home books through the classroom lending library. Additionally, ELM provides take-home literacy bags which include a book and a supplemental literacy activity.


ELM encourages families to use myON Reader at home which exposes children to technology and furnishes them with a seemingly endless variety of interesting books for their ages.

ELM Family Fun Tips August 2024 -

Preschool >

ELM Family Fun Tips August 2024-

Toddler >

ELM Centers
Reading Book Log 23-24
 *Turn in monthly to ELM Coach

Questions about Kindergarten in Hillsborough County?


Sign-up and recieve information about local early literacy events and activities you can do with your child at home!

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